Saturday, 17 November 2012

Millenium Green Proposed Works

As ward Councillor's we are pleased to report that we are making significant progress in our key campaign pledge to improve Luton Millenium Green which is a much cherished green park near to Shipwrights in Chatham

We have been working with Council officers and Portfolio Holders to secure the site in the Council ownership which has was finalised by Court Order on November 13th last week.

Ward Councillor's have since met with Council officers and made representations at full council with several questions for a programme of proposed works to improve the site. 

We have received a lot of support from all Parties on this project which shows bi-partisan working at its best.

With limited funding we will need to partner with others to secure funding for major works but some limited improvements can occur over the next 12 months on site at little cost. 

Ward Councillor's have made representation for shrub clearance, new bins and signage and for additional lighting for users using the park as a cut through during the late afternoons and early evenings.

With the St Mary's Boxing Club close to raising its target to relocate to the derelict Scout hut adjacent to this site we believe that we could be on the cusp of some positive change for this park with new neighbours; and for a facility which has been neglected for a period of time.

For those that decry the work of Councillors this is the type of action that can be delivered for those who work hard for their ward.

The legal aspects of now been completed; now comes the delivery phase.

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