Saturday, 28 April 2012

Luton and Wayfield Community First Panel

The Luton & Wayfield Community Panel has now been established. 

We have funding of £80,000 available to be allocated to local groups and projects within the ward. A set of group priorites has been established by the panel and we welcome applications which fit atleast one of the panels priorities as follows. 

  •  Enhance the health profile of residents of Luton & Wayfield 
  •  Bring different communities within the ward closer together 
  •  Increase the range of activities available for young people 
  •  Steps to reduce the effects of anti-social behaviour 
Groups/Projects are able to apply for between £250-£2500 once a year and applications will then be assessed and decided on by the panel members, who are local ward councillors and local community members. 

Panel members for Luton and Wayfield are: - 

  1. Cllr Christine Godwin 
  2. Cllr Sam Craven 
  3. Cllr Tristan Osborne 
  4. Jonathan Primett 
  5. Ben Pranczke 
  6. Tim Atkinson 
  7. Susan Crittenden  
  8. Jeff Fray

 Anything which does work towards improvements in the community can only be a good thing in my eyes, so if anyone is involved or knows anyone involved in a group or project who would benefit from funding spread the word about this available funding and help make improvements to our community!!!

For more information or application form please email: 

See our panel website at

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