Luton & Wayfield Councillors
Labour ward Councillors have called time on the conversations for additional CCTV camera's for Luton Road.
After three months of discussions with the Medway Conservative Cabinet we reached a point where we had to take the campaign public because we were getting nowhere with the Council.
We have since submitted Member Priority Funding bid to secure the £20,000 necessary for the community in the ward.
We have been working with local PACTs, residents and activists in the ward to fight for funding.
We submitted a bid for funding to Cllr Alan Jarrett last week and are expecting to hear back on whether we have been successful for the £20,000 of funding which will make our community safer.
Tory Councillors need to step up to the needs of constant public questions at full Council from members of the community. The community has spoken via its elected representatives and PACTs.
We believe there is a significant problem surrounding under-reporting of criminality in the area caused by normalisation of certain behaviours. We note the Police have not reduced numbers and have extended the Dispersal Zone; this suggests a tacit understanding that the area should warrant consideration.
We have a lot of support from residents and business owners in the locality. We believe the bid has justification.
We await to see the outcome of our bid for CCTV