Monday, 5 March 2012

Luton Recreation Groud

We have been liaising with residents on the Luton Recreation Ground and the concerns expressed by a number of residents, led by Ben Pranczke (who has blogged here) from Chatham Hill, that the site is unfinished.

Luton Rec play area was originally designed to be "open plan" i.e. not fully fenced, to open up the play area onto the surrounding grassed area.

Many residents have expressed concerns that animals are gaining access to the play site which poses risks to children. A photo below indicates this is indeed happening:

Spot the dog!

The Council has confirmed a fence will be extended round the whole play area and a self closing gate will be installed at the end of the footpath allowing easy access to the play area from the pavilion end of the park.

There is a footpath that links the play area from both ends of the rec but these have become weedy over the years and need to be refurbished.

We are also concerned that this path is incomplete and will be chasing this.

Path to nowhere?

We have received assurances that a request has been placed with the Community Payback Offenders unit asking them to undertake the path refurbishments but we do need to know why this path is not complete

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