Dave Arthur | Green Party | 299
Tashi Bhutia | The Conservative Party Candidate | 1268
Sam Craven | The Labour Party Candidate | 1487
Heather Downs | Trade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts | 160
Mike Franklin | The Conservative Party Candidate | 1108
Christine Godwin | The Labour Party Candidate | 1467
Chris Hooper | Liberal Democrat | 168
Eddie Hooper | Liberal Democrat | 141
Gloria Opara | The Conservative Party Candidate | 992
Tristan Osborne | The Labour Party Candidate | 1326
Christopher Sams | Liberal Democrat | 136 |
We wish to pay tribute to the work undertaken by the previous Councillor's Tashi Bhutia, Val Goulden and Tony Goulden and will continue with the good work undertaken in the area.
You may have noticed the below press cutting from the Monday Medway Messenger:
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